From materials of the international scientific conference -
V Small university forum
«Evolution of Russia: society, a policy, economy»,
Taken place at the Moscow state university
M.V.Lomonosova's name on December, 2-4nd, 2009
(Evolution of Russia, volume 2, Moscow-Volgograd, 2010).
(From motivation to self-motivation)
«The history shows, that the leader in area
Productivity, eventually,
Becomes economic and political
The leader in the world ».
D.Grejson of ml., K.O.Dell
(The American management on a threshold of 21 centuries, 1991)
Transition of the country to private-capitalist rails has not given
desirable results - общеполезной to activization of "the human factor».
The private proprietors who have replaced the Soviet directors and
разноуровневые officials differ from the first only absence of control,
распоясанностью and personal greed.
Problem: to grope ways of growth of labour productivity.
My deep belief: while the people do not undertake business of social and
economic development and putting in order in Russia in the name of its
each representative, a national economy, the culture and a life will
give and fall. The people will get down to business also putting in
order when each person will see in it the personal interest and to it
will be what to protect from internal villains and external enemies.
Here again at the majority of the people and the president with the
prime minister is not present and there can not be disagreements and
To liberate the initiative of each person - here a way to the higher
labour productivity, a solving condition of economic and social
evolution of Russia. How it to carry out?
The personification, personalised profit assignments, self-motivation, labour productivity.
Personification - the constitutional recognition of each citizen of
Russia the direct proprietor of the general national riches in a money's
worth, i.e. privatisation and декапитализация in favour of all and
The personalised assignment of profit is a direct connection of each
worker of the person with profit through the surplus value made by it.
Such connection can be built in economy of any region (without change of
existing relations of the property as a whole) legally in the form of
the Federal target program «System of stimulation of active demand of
the industry and agriculture on scientific workings out».
The self-motivation is a personal internal prompting to the work, caused
by the unconditional right to make and appropriate the made profit. It
is a direct communication between the income (the salary + profit) the
worker of the person and productivity of its work, i.e. surplus value
manufacture at standard quality of the goods.
Labour productivity - Finally, is a surplus value made by a labour for
the accounting period: i.e. surplus of a product of work over costs of
maintenance of work.
In the end of 2006 the President of Russia V.V.Putin, answering
questions of citizens of Russia, has informed on wages growth on 12,9 %,
and labour productivity - for 6 percent. According to the Minister of
economic development and trade G.Gref, in the first quarter 2007 wages
growth on the country has made 18,4 % at labour productivity which has
almost remained on a place. According to data Росстата, rates of growth
of labour productivity in Russia decreased about 7 % in 2003 to 6,5 % in
2004 and 5,5 in 2005, and the lowest rates of growth of labour
productivity in 2005 are fixed in agriculture (0,2 %).
All interested authors of America and Europe notice, that technological
and industrial equipment of the companies, and also presence of natural
riches in territory of those or other countries become minor in a
productivity problem. It is underlined, that for high efficiency of work
the new organisation and motivation of work that allows to achieve
impressing successes and on the old equipment is necessary. For example,
in the early eighties small заводик «Тойоты» on release of engines in
Камино has been equipped by the American machine tools of the sample of
1960. Technically it was hopelessly backward in comparison with
enterprises "Ford" and "Crysler". But counting on one occupied
(including workers and employees), this заводик made engines in 4,5
times more than "Ford" or "Crysler". Thus quality of engines, including
their design, on «Тойоте» considerably surpassed quality of similar
production of the American companies. Other example. The company
«Дженерал моторс», having enclosed 600 million dollars in new assembly
factory, has tried to create «future factory» where 260 ("hardworking")
robots under control of the COMPUTER should carry out almost all
operations. All this economy, naturally, live people in necessary
quantity served. The texnocratic dream has turned back disappointment:
at the enterprise 35 cars at an o'clock instead of 60 under the plan [1]
were made. In America some decades are annually spent over 10 billion
dollars for preparation and retraining of managers, on innovations in
the technician, technologies, the organisation of manufacture [2]
successively. But necessary growth of labour productivity remains not
resolved problem.
The reason of such state of affairs is covered in motivation of live
work. In the conditions of existing motivation the hired labour brakes
labour productivity growth. Therefore, apparently, well developed social
and economic strategy is not realised successfully, and costs exceed
all admissible frameworks, Irrespective of decisions accepted above,
below a little that [3] Managing directors change, as though it is good
they did not understand the business, what professional solutions would
not accept, are compelled to rely with inevitability on direct executors
of the accepted decisions, that is on concrete direct manufacturers of
the goods and services who reduce organizational and technological
efforts of managers to the level corresponding to interests of hired
Such is an original economic life. My practice, and is work in economy
and in the Ministry of Agriculture and the foodstuffs of RSFSR (I in the
late eighties was engaged in the scientific organisation of work and
introduction of industrial technologies), has convincingly shown, that
all depends on the direct worker, to whose hands get on manufacture new
technics and technologies. We with colleagues have visited many economy
in the different ends of Russia and were convinced of it continually.
I investigated a problem of motivation of work many years in theories
and in different spheres of a national economy. The sight of officials
and employers at a labour is that today: the worker is not the active
beginning and the guarantor of labour productivity. The worker is
considered and used as certain «a human resource» in the list of
"inputs" along with the information, the capital, resources and
materials. This erroneous, mentor, slaveholding sight of the person with
a switch, corresponding to the valid practice of relations between the
worker and the employer, has in practice jammed labour productivity
growth in economic complexes of all countries. Such sight at the worker
costs hundred billions dollars of losses, including from financing of
inefficient scientific workings out leaning against it in sphere of
motivation of work.
Scientifically proved universal way of the personalised assignment of
the profit [4], transforming each person in the active beginning of
manufacture within the limits of the abilities became result of my
Whatever economic system we considered, the made expenses should come back with profit.
According to doctrines of ALL economic schools of the present (and - on a
life), the profit is created by people in direct manufacture in the
form of surplus of a product of work over costs of maintenance of work.
In the capitalist world this surplus is shown in the form of a surplus
value, that is not paid work appropriated by the proprietor of means of
In the conditions of the personalised assignment this surplus in the
monetary form (superfluous cost) belongs to the one who has directly
made it on the workplace, and is appropriated by it.
The surplus value turns in the market to profit. Thus, depending on
market condition, the profit can be equal, it is less or more than the
made surplus value.
The way of assignment of profit developed by me each direct manufacturer
of surplus is automatic (excluding value judgment and influences)
revealing of concrete manufacturers of a surplus value, and in our case -
superfluous cost, and assignment of the income by them.
Told it is possible to express as follows:
C - cost of means of production,
V - the salary,
M - a surplus value (surplus of a product of work over costs of maintenance of work).
(C (V) - cost of the initial stage of manufacture (the made expenses, or the general production costs),
(C + V + M) - real cost of the goods on an exit from the enterprise on the market,
(C + V + P) - market cost of the goods (returnable cost) - the
enterprise aggregate profit (the monetary receipt of the made goods for
the certain period),
(C + V + P) - (C + V) = P - profit (the general profit).
P - O = Pch - net profit, where
O - obligatory payments (taxes, gathering).
V + (Pch from "M” - FR) - the personal income произвлодителя, where
V (in case of the personalised assignment) - a guarantee,
FR - fund of development of the enterprise,
Pch from "M” - the personal profit of the manufacturer corresponding to superfluous cost made by it.
In this case appropriates profit everyone personally according to personally made superfluous cost.
The main task here - to find surplus of a product of work over costs of
maintenance of work which makes everyone on the workplace. This problem
is solved.
Expected result:
- Highly effective self-motivation of manufacturers and an order in economy as a whole:
- An arbitrariness exception.
- Aspiration and possibility to deduce the enterprise on higher level of
development of productive forces and relations of production;
- Stability of the enterprise in home market;
- Interested personal and collective planning, growth of cumulative labour productivity and cumulative profit of branch;
- Prompt modernisation of economy as a whole;
- Growth of incomes with simultaneous disposal of inflation, and also
growth of prestige of the subject of Federation and Russia.
* * *
Economy of Staritsky area of the Tver area, the Shchelkovo area of the
Moscow area, Mihajlovsky area of the Volgograd area were investigated.
There was a problem:
1. To find a way of extraction of the surplus value created by the
personnel of the organisation (all and everyone) in the course of
2. To find a way of assignment of profit, proceeding from made by everyone surplus value.
The new order of assignment and distribution have arrived workers
removes problems of command relations of production, and also dangerous
"lag" of economy of Russia, is way of transfer of the country on rails
of new relations of the property building legal system of vanguard
technologies of industrial and regional self-management. It is an order
of revival and achievement of the higher labour productivity on all
economic space of Russia and at the separate enterprise. It is an order
of the decision of social problems.
The LITERATURE: the [1] V.Bovykin, New management, "Economy", M.-1997,
s.96-99. The [2] V.Bovykin, New management, "Economy", M.-1997, с.27.
[3] Harward Business the Review, 1985, с.84. [4] V.S.Petruhin,
N.I.Savina to Work on profit, magazine "Non-Black Earth Region" №1,
1989; V.S.Petruhin: «to Pay for work», magazine "Non-Black Earth Region"
of №6,1988; «the Package of the specifications and technical
documentation for working off of new relations of the property in
economy and at the processing enterprises of Ministry of Agriculture and
Food Production of RSFSR», Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production
of RSFSR, 1991; «Thread Ариадны», the Moscow State University, 1995;
«Management ХХ1 of a century», М-1998; «History and the economy future»,
М-2009 year.
The head Inter-regional public association «Fund of the organisation of the higher labour productivity»,
The author and the developer Socially personalised way of manufacture,
The assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of Russia to 1st convocation, The economist V.S.Petruhin