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Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 03.01.2025, 05:41

Главная » 2012 » Апрель » 13 » There are PROPHETS In the FATHERLAND! (С) V.S.Petruhin
There are PROPHETS In the FATHERLAND! (С) V.S.Petruhin
/reflections marksoveda/
Two problems of the left movement are allocated as one of the main things:
I.отсутствие The modern theory of radical transformation of a society
II. Absence of unity of the left forces.
Research, knowledge, understanding existing should precede any practical activities, no moral indignation of the existing will result in its productive progressive transformation. In due time Spinosa whom Marx so highly appreciated and deeply respected, an Called: «not to cry, not to laugh, and to understand» (or otherwise, on Latin: «indignari, non admirari, sed intelligere). In the spring of 1845, more one and a half centuries ago Marx has formulated one of the major theoretical positions:« Philosophers explained in only various image the world, but business consists in changing it ». Original sense of this thesis: Philosophers only"explained"the world to reconcile with existing, it is necessary to learn existing to change it. To learn, to change - such is deep sense of this ingenious idea. And later similar thought at LENIN: Without the revolutionary theory cannot be and revolutionary movement.
And today the left movement integrally connected with the theory of Marx, can change nothing in our society (neither in the country, nor in the world), not having investigated existing and not having understood it.
One of fundamental features of the theory of Marx - its historicism. IT is caused by that its deep kernel - materialistic dialectics, the general theory of development. Development is integral essence of the theory of Marx. Therefore in work of 1972 possibility to formulate it so was presented to me: Development is a way of existence of Marxism («future Contours», с.8).
Without development the Marxism ceases to be the actual theory and turns simply to a museum piece. From here - a historicism of the theory of MARX. A historicism in three senses: it is a product of a certain historical epoch; throughout a life and Marx's activity and Engels their theory essentially developed; so without its further development in ours essentially its other new epoch it is impossible mechanically, without the further creative development to apply as the guide to action. Throughout the past of 40 years in process of forces and possibilities it was possible to do attempts to develop those or other elements of the theory of Marx in the spirit of its founders. Now there is a possibility to offer already number of concrete directions of its further development in two plans is and components of this universal theory, and necessity of the further research of concrete problems.
1. First of all, working out of a new scientific direction or even a new science - the general theory of practice is necessary. It integrally follows from dialektiko - materialistic understanding of the basic question of philosophy, a question on a life and consciousness parity. Practice it not that other as return influence of consciousness on life. The understanding of logic structure and algorithm of its elements, and as basic laws from this follows. Today it is already possible to formulate two ten elements of the general theory of practice. All it was offered for the first time last year …. February 2009г., on Marksovsky readings at Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
2. It is known, that the materialistic dialectics is the deep kernel, a fundamental basis of the theory of Marx which he was going to develop in the form of special product: «when I will dump economic burden (i.e. I will finish work on"Capital"), I will write"Dialectics", - he spoke (see my chapter about it with VITALY Bygodskim« Charles Marx's Economic heritage », M. 1956г.). - In development of this major component of the Marxist theory the special course -« Dialectics as methodology is prepared. Practical methodology of a heritage of Marx and Engels. 100 elements of dialectics - 100т practical recommendations ». This cycle is calculated at 40 o'clock.
3. It is known, that Engels repeatedly spoke and wrote about Marx's two great opening thanks to which the socialism has turned from a Utopia to a science. This materialistic understanding of history, is more exact dialektiko-materialistic understanding of a society and its history, and as the theory of a surplus value based on the labour theory of cost of Smith and Риккардо and forming a kernel of Marxist political economy. More the general theory of cost the author tried to prove the critical analysis of the labour theory of cost and necessity of working out in the performances and publications. But within the limits of the general logic structure of the theory of Marx working out and other scientific direction investigating and other party of the relation of the person to the nature - an ecological problematics is necessary.
4. A number of problems demands modern research in the field of materialistic understanding of history. Engels considered, that after creation … надцатой concepts «should be studied all history anew». At first sight it can be understood so, that on the basis of new understanding of history it is possible to understand concrete historical events more deeply. But objectively also deeper idea here contains: history audit should lead to deeper understanding of most this new concept. Not to be unfounded, here a number of actual historical problems which demand new profound and actual research:
The general theory of social revolutions;
The general theory формационного society transformation, i.e. transition from one public formation to the new;
The transition period theory (not as period of dictatorship of proletariat, and in a broad sense as period from existing public relations to a society in which free development of everyone will be a condition of free development of everything, that is free development of one will not limit free development of others);
Than there was actually «a real socialism»;
The reasons of its crash; in what specificity (differencia spezifica) the left movement, its possible real program.
Perhaps it is a priority of the general interests unlike procapitalist right, from a priority of the private interests, the hypertrophied rights of individuals? The new, actual Marxist futurology, in two aspects is necessary also:
Methodology of a scientific prediction of the future (on this aspect specificity of such methodology in Marx's works and Engels has been investigated; the result can be formulated) and sights of founders of Marxism about the future, classless society and (on the given aspect the huge material in the form of a huge superheading about communistic transformation of a society and about the most future society in the big index to 50 volumes of the Russian edition of Compositions of Marx and Engels is collected;
Are thus revealed and analysed more than 600 aspects of the future which founders of Marxism expressly or by implication expressed).
There is extremely actual problem: the contradiction between productive forces and relations of production as the deep reason of a social revolution and where that objective force of a modern society which is capable to carry out similar transformation.
All it demands research and discussion. In communication by a role of the left movements in the modern world (Социнтерн, socialists, sotsial - democrats, labourites, etc.) it is necessary to pay special attention on a problem: Marxism and a revisionism. And in connection with rough achievements of natural sciences and value of interdisciplinary directions of development of scientific knowledge on philosophical aspects of this area.
What in present conditions can do the left movement?
Shortly speaking: to create preconditions and to promote creation of preconditions of communistic transformation of a society or, more cautiously speaking, preconditions for transition to a new post-capitalist public formation.
We summarise:
1. Working out of the modern theory of necessary transformation of a society, leaning against understanding of the new historical phenomena, all achievements of the scientific knowledge, the saved up experience of transformation of public relations and experience of the left movements.
2. Distribution of new ideas to weights for the purpose of their transformation into material force.
3. Creation of all матнериальных (first of all economic), political, organizational, spiritual and theoretical preconditions of a new public formation.
4. On a threshold of a new epoch of economy of knowledge to struggle for the new law on the information.
5. To struggle for originally democratic political control system of a society (democracy, instead of охлократия; the greatest possible elections of all officials; equal access of all political forces and movements to mass media; the control of voters over actions of deputies; with that end in view full publicity of their activity: the Internet, radio, TV, the press; the response right, criminal punishment for use of "an administrative resource» etc. etc.); public electronic voting on elections and widely practised referenda.
6. To test new social procedures. For example, the total and open electronic control over all incomes and expenses of all citizens.
7. To study possibility - in connection with enormous growth of productive forces - it is essential to raise a lath of social requirements: the right of all citizens (workers) to worthy existence: safety, free habitation, satisfaction of primary requirements (a food etc.), free public health services, formation etc.; a payment of women on education of children etc.
8. Struggle for the progressive legislation: transition from presidential republic to parliamentary, essential increase of a role of the State Duma; legislative restriction of stratification of the population; introduction progressive налогооблажения; elections of all гос. Officials; wide use of referenda; an interdiction for actual privatisation of the natural rent.
It is necessary to mean, that founders of Marxism considered democratic republic even as the ready form for proletariat dictatorship
9. The higher and an ultimate goal - a most important task of development a post - of a capitalist society creation of conditions for free development of each member of a society without restriction of freedom of all its other members should be humanistic.
George Aleksandrovich Bagaturija


(To G.A.Bagaturija's article «Actual problems of the left movement and necessity of some directions of the further development of the theory of Marx»)

Known in the USSR and in the world, respected in the left movement of modern Russia the expert on марксоведению and socialist philosophy the Doctor of Philosophy, the professor G.A.Bagaturija, has acted on September, 30th in Moscow at seminar session «Marxist readings». Declared by heads of a seminar a theme: «Actual problems of the left movement and a way of development of Marxism», at the author sounded a little differently (more correctly): «Actual problems of the left movement and necessity of some directions of the further development of the theory of Marxism». So the text of its performance where the accent falls on a word "necessity" which specifies is entitled, that without it it is impossible to manage.
For today G.A.Bagaturija - the unique expert in the left movement капээрэфного the type, connected problems of the left movement with necessity of some directions of the further development of the theory of Marxism.
It is the shouting validity: the left forces of Russia and the world are separated, because there is no «modern theory of radical transformation of a society». For this reason the author has allocated two main problems: 1. Absence of the modern theory of radical transformation of a society. 2. Absence of unity of the left forces.
According to Багатурия from which we completely agree that there was such radical theory, creative development of Marxism is necessary. Without creative development the Marxism ceases to be actual force.
Marx's two great opening, thanks to which the socialism has turned from a Utopia to a science (the materialistic understanding of history and the surplus value theory) Багатурия names a kernel of Marxist political economy.
We name their top of Marxist political economy. Also it is necessary to begin creative development of Marxism with this top during each new epoch. That is each new step forward should be accompanied by the analysis of the main economic concepts (categories), proceeding from the practical validity. In relations of the property (assignment), in economic relations as a whole, - the reasons of stagnation and the precondition of new transformations are covered.
«Any practical activities, - writes Багатурия, - research, knowledge, understanding existing should precede, no moral indignation of the existing will result in its productive progressive transformation».
So. In our case - research, knowledge, understanding of the deep reasons of a collapse of the USSR should precede research, knowledge, understanding of capitalism existing in today's Russia. To understand the reasons of disorder of the USSR it is possible, only leaning against a Marxist dialectic method, the materialistic theory and a historical materialism. To Move ahead it is possible:
Creatively developing the Marxist doctrine;
Proceeding thus from interests of each person of a socialist society as, first, interests of each person disturb Marxism, and secondly, it conducts to growth of labour productivity and riches and prosperity of all socialist society.
First of all, it is necessary to understand: what happens in basis - in an economic system of the USSR? Why and where to productive forces (people) began to stir the existing relations of production imposed by the CPSU, owning, using and disposing all resources of the country, passing the laws, confirming plans etc., and so forth?
Whether there is an answer to these questions? Is. The stagnation reasons - in accruing indifference of citizens to a state ownership. The reasons of accruing indifference - in a capitalist way of a payment. There was a question on activization of "the human factor». Party and scientists of the Stalin and Poststalin period did not work over this question properly, that is in necessary, originally socialist direction. During the critical moment (90) the private-ownership point of view has prevailed. Wrongly was considered and it is considered, what exactly capitalism makes active all and all.
Whether there were preconditions of new socialist transformations? Were and is! To change property relations: to pass from the state form to directly public pattern of ownership which believes proprietors of all and everyone. For this purpose it is necessary to change streams have arrived, as it is shown on schemes 1 and 2, accordingly: «the Soviet state manufacture: the subject of possession; formation, movement and profit distribution» and «socially personalised (originally socialist) manufacture: the subject of possession; formation, movement and profit distribution» (for viewing of schemes it is necessary to enter on a site and to open the given material).
This problem basically and in detailed calculations has been solved by then by V.S.Petruhinym, and bosses knew about it. But for them «несть the prophet in the fatherland». They only considered themselves as prophets. And they have replaced Marxism сталинизмом and on the sly removed its (Marxism) aside.
The problem has been solved by V.S.Petruhinym proceeding from the Marxist doctrine and in development of the Marxist doctrine. As disinterest of people became a brake of development of manufacture, it was necessary to understand the main principle of the payment which have been written down in article 12 of the Constitution of the USSR (1936): "from everyone on its ability, everyone - on its work".
The analysis has shown, that proceeding from the Marxist doctrine, this principle is applied not truly. By this principle the salary established to capitalist measures was distributed. Differently, on work the result of the work including profit created by additional work, and the planned wage fund including, including, surcharges and awards was distributed not. It was actually distributed (and it has been established by V.S.Petruhinym) the price of a labour spread out to shares. And this distribution was given to the discretion of heads.
The USSR went on a way of assignment of the profit, fulfilled in the capitalist world. But if the capitalist economy therefore also capitalist, that alienates a surplus value (profit) at those who makes it, and thus maintains wage labour the socialist economy cannot alienate profit at those who makes it. Otherwise it remains capitalist. The ten exploiters has turned to one cumulative capitalist - the state.
Capitalism "cut-away" - alienation of a surplus value (profit) at those who makes it, at workers, owners of means of production. Socialism "cut-away" - assignment of a surplus value (profit) by those who directly makes it, - workers who are simultaneously proprietors of means of production.
To give profit to those who makes it, it is necessary to know, who makes a surplus value. That the nobility who makes a surplus value, it is necessary to be able to count it. And this problem has been solved by V.S.Petruhinym. For the capitalist such calculations are not necessary. And for the cumulative capitalist such calculations are not necessary. To take out all made production on the market where the surplus value laying in the goods turns to profit enough, and to appropriate this profit.
In socialist manufacture where the earth, factories, factories, other organisations belong to all and everyone, it is necessary to be able to count a surplus value as it is created by work of each person.
The problem has been solved in the late eighties (Look articles and books Петрухина: to Work on profit », magazine" Non-Black Earth Region "№1, 1989;« to Pay for work », magazine" Non-Black Earth Region "of №6,1988;« Where to conduct «the Russian locomotive» », magazine« File of the bookkeeper »№23, 1996;« Personification of assignment of profit - a way to the higher labour productivity, a solving condition of economic and social evolution of Russia (from motivation to self-motivation) », the scientific edition« Evolution of Russia, volume 2, 2010 ";" the Package of the specifications and technical documentation for working off of new relations of the property in economy and at the processing enterprises of Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of RSFSR », Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of RSFSR, 1991;« Thread Ариадны », the Moscow State University, 1995;« Management ХХ1 of a century », М-1998;« History and the economy future », М-2009 year.; set of materials in the newspaper« Economic and philosophical newspaper », and also on the Internet, including in the co-authorship).
Naturally, the surplus value is a concept and a category of the capitalist world. As the concept, a surplus value roots not in heads of people, and in the valid capitalist manufacture. Inherently is corresponding to a capitalist way of manufacture the cost form of surplus of a product of work over costs of maintenance of the work alienated at its direct manufacturers.
We use this concept because it is in details worked by Marxism, intelligibly and consequently that in the world still there is no socialist way of manufacture.
The Soviet union was the cumulative capitalist, but in consciousness of all world it is identified with socialism. Therefore today (when the USSR has disappeared), going to socialism, we leave from this concept, putting socialist essence in concepts «economic персонализм», «socially personalised system of manufacture and assignment», «socially personalised (originally socialist) way of manufacture».
The USSR was in a step from it. Russia also can is now easy pass to socialist system of manufacture and assignment.
The surplus value appropriated by its manufacturers as should be in originally socialist society, naturally, will be understood and called in another way. But it will be the same surplus of a product of work over costs of maintenance of work because it is made in any modern society, and without it progress is impossible. Only the cost form of this surplus will be appropriated by those who makes it, and, hence, and will be called differently. V.S.Petruhin suggests to name its superfluous cost.
Today on this basis it is necessary to create uniform political force, to take the power and to pass to originally socialist society.
In Russia there is «an objective force … which is capable to carry out similar transformation» are isolated left, including the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the organisations and unorganized industrial Working class of Russia.
To unite to us!
And the beginning of creation uniting all «the modern theory of radical transformation of a society» - is already necessary.
Leaning against the aforesaid, it is possible and it is necessary to create and write (we quote G.A.Bagaturija):
«The general theory of social revolutions; the general theory формационного society transformation, i.e. transition from one public formation to the new; the transition period theory (not as period of dictatorship of proletariat, and in a broad sense as period from existing public relations to a society in which free development of everyone will be a condition of free development of everything, that is free development of one will not limit free development of others); than there was actually« a real socialism »; the reasons of its crash; in what specificity (differencia spezifica) the left movement, its possible real program».
Members of initiative group «New Communists» on organising committee creation «Uniform political force of workers of Russia» which Heart is the industrial Working class of Russia:
   The president of Fund «Center of Marxist researches», the Worker, the co-ordinator of initiative group of hired workers ФГУП «Гознак», the Chairman of Coordination council of committee of solidarity of workers of wage labour of Moscow and the Moscow area, Соучредитель Inter-regional public association «Fund of the organisation of the higher labour productivity», the Member of "New economic association» (НЭА), A.V.Chizhikov
    Member Krk of the Union of workers of Moscow, member Профкома Open Society TSNIITMASH, Соучредитель Inter-regional public association «Fund of the organisation of the higher labour productivity» of L.I.Stoljarova
  The main mechanic, the Chairman профкома Open Society «Спецремводоканал, the Chairman of movement ОПД« Labour Kaliningrad »of/queens/, Co-chairman ОПД« Labour Moscow suburbs », Соучредитель inter-regional public association« Fund of the organisation of the higher labour productivity »of A.G.Klenshin
   The author-developer of the International Program «Solar Hydrogen», Соучредитель Inter-regional public association «Fund of the organisation of the higher labour productivity» of O.S.Zadorozhnyj
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